Information Page Index
Phone & Address Listings
Search Engines
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
Maps & Other Information Sources
Health Information
Government Stuff
Traffic & Weather
Spam Prevention and Tracking
Privacy on the Internet
Urban Legends, Virus Hoaxes & related Stuff
If it's related to computers and you can't find it here, try the List of Lists.
This doesn't fit anywhere in particular, because it covers almost everything. This is a site that has at least most of the FAQs on the Internet. Got a question about something? Check the FAQs. It's amazing what kinds of things people will write up a FAQ on. Be prepared to spend some time. Added 6/27/00
Phone & Address Listings
Search Engines
- The real method that Google uses to rate web pages. Pigeon Ranking. Added 4/26/2002
Search tips from Google.
- Google Added 4/2/99
- Google provides a list of search tips and a Cheatsheet. Added 03/26/06
- Google's Froogle searches for products available online. Added 12/15/02
- A direct link to the Google "Newsgroups" search page. Added 05/21/01. Updated 12/12/08
- Speaking of Google, here's a page with lots of information About Google Added 08/04/2002
- The history of Usenet in the form of a Google Timeline. The first (archived) Usenet post, the first mentions of Microsoft, Star Wars, Y2K and much more. Added 10/20/02
- Search patterns, trends and stats from Google Zeitgeist Added 11/24/02
- NetWork Tools.Com has a web page look up service. It defaults to looking YOU up. Added 5/2/99
- To find an ISP go to The List and search by your area code. Added 10/28/98
- Webcrawler
- Yahoo
- A very extensive tutorial on How to Search the Net (and your computer) is at Searchlores. Added 10/07/00
- The Surrealist Compliment Generator Added 03/26/06
Dictionaries and Encyclopedias
- has 4,170,342 words in 763 dictionaries indexed (as of the date I added this link). And by 3/27/2006 that's up to 7,746,576 words in 975 dictionaries. Added 08/04/2002
- Webopedia claims to be "The only online dictionary and search engine you need for computer and Internet technology". Added 10/12/03
- But in case that isn't enough, there's It includes several types of dictionaries and encyclopedias. And you can customize the front page to include the features you want. It appears that javascript and cookies are required for that. Added 03/26/06
- Definitions for thousands of the most current IT-related words at Added 10/12/03
- The Acronym Finder Added 10/17/00
- More acronyms. His old page is no longer being updated. Added 09/07/02
- The Jargon file. Added 09/07/02
- NetLingo does just what it sounds like. Added 09/06/02
- Another page that explains Computer Jargon Added 10/12/03
- will look up words, including variations like British slang terms. There's also a list of other Dictionary type web sites. Added 02/19/01
- The Wikipedia Free Encyclopedia is being written as a collaborative project under the GNU Free Documentation License Added 09/05/02
- The Septics Companion claims to be
A mercifully brief guide to British culture and slang
. Added 12/12/2008
- A dictionary of British slang. Added 02/28/03
- Look up many words and terms at The Columbia Guide to Standard American English Added 11/10/02
- The Thomas Register is a searchable list of companies and products in North America. Added 07/31/2002
- And the Global version is Tremnet Added 07/31/2002
- You can look up manufacturers by product information such as a partial MAC Address. Added 03/27/06
Maps & Other Information Sources
Links in this section verified July 21, 2005
- Google Maps has maps and satellite images of the US and some of the rest of the world. More is being added. Added 07/21/05
- Google Earth combines satellite imagery, maps and the power of Google Search to put the world's geographic information at your fingertips. Added 07/21/05
- Google Moon has browsable satellite images of the moon. Added 07/21/05
- Google Mars has browseable images and maps of Mars. Added 03/26/06
- Malin Space Science Systems has images online from the different Mars missions. Over 25,000 from the Mars Global Surveyor alone. Added 05/23/00
- Use these Satellite Photos from the Microsoft Terraserver and see if you can find your house. HUGE database.
- The Encyclopedia Brittanica has the entire thing online for free. The new "Business Model" puts it up for free, supported by ads. Lots of cookies. Or you can still buy the 32 volume printed set for $1250. Added 11/7/99
- National Geographic has put their new World Atlas online at Map Machine for free. Added 10/28/99
- Video Cam list Not exactly a map, but you can look at a live picture of the beach. Or a mountain. Or the inside of Brian's freezer (if his camera hasn't frozen again). Or several hundred other places.
- EarthCams is another list of Web Cameras. Added 10/28/99
- A US Navy site that provides tables of Sunrise/Sunset times for many locations in the US by name, for the rest of the world by Lattitude and longitude. Added 07/21/05
- To get the longitude and lattitude for the above site you can use the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency's (NGA) and the U.S. Board on Geographic Names' (US BGN) database of foreign geographic feature names. Added 07/21/05
- An online Currency Converter. Added 01/07/01
- Another online Currency Converter. You can download a customized Cheat Sheet for traveling. Added 03/26/06
Health Sites
HTML Stuff
I haven't read every page linked here, this is my "To Do" list, so I know there's things I need to fix on my own pages. Telling me about blatant errors would be appreciated though.
- An explanation of the CSS spec Added 03/02/03
- Another page on CSS Added 10/12/03
- And another page on CSS from Mezzoblue Added 06/20/04
- A HTML 7-BIT ASCII Reference from W3Schools as well as lots of other HTML related stuff. Added 10/05/02
- Another Character Conversion chart. Added 11/30/02
- A very complete guide to Web Page Design Added 07/25/00
- HTML Goodies. Added 12/16/08
- HTML Code Tutorial. Added 12/16/08
- Lots of information and FAQS about Robots, also known as Web Wanderers, Crawlers, or Spiders. Added 07/23/01
- You can validate a web page for standards compliance. (And mine don't, someday in my spare time....)
- There's a basic tutorial on how to write a web page on Annabell's site Added 06/20/02
- Another beginners page from Added 10/12/03
- To quote from their page: The Web Design Group was founded to promote the creation of non-browser specific, non-resolution specific, creative and informative sites that are accessible to all users worldwide. To this end, the WDG offers material on a wide range of HTML related topics. We hope that with this site as a reference, you will be able to create Web sites that can be used by every person on the Internet, regardless of browser, platform, or settings. Added 10/12/03
- There is a list of HTML editors at Codepunk with brief reviews. Added 02/23/03
- List of Lists has a list of Web Tools Added 02/25/03
- HTMLKit is a free HTML authoring program with lots of features. This is the one I use when I'm doing something too involved for Notepad. Added 10/12/03
Traffic & Weather
The spam section consists of some spam prevention stuff, and some spam fighting links.
Spam Prevention
The best way to handle Spam is to not get it in the first place. Once you get on the spammers lists, it's pretty much impossible to get away from it. For an example of how spam snowballs, see this writeup on what happens when a false address (probably by mistake in this case) was registered on a web page,and it turned out that that address was actually collected by someone else. It's a depressing example of what can happen once your email address gets Out There.
One of the most effective things to do is to limit who has access to your real email address. There are sites like Sneakemail and that will give you an unlimited number of email addresses and forward messages that are sent to those addresses to one you specify. That way you can give a specific address to each company that asks for a registration email address, and track if they sell or trade it. Sneakemail does not provide standard mail servers that you can use to send and receive email.
There's a long list of how spammers get email addresses at Uri Raz's page.
Never respond to any spam, no matter how legitimate the "Remove Me" offer looks. And be aware that just reading spam can validate your address in some cases, depending on your email client and your security settings. Always read spam as plain text, and if possible, use a firewall to block your email program from using anything except the standard ports for email. And never, ever, under any circumstances support a spammer by buying anything advertised by spam. If you get a spam offering a product from a legitimate company (as opposed to a Chinese drug store) feel free to contact them and tell them what you think. And that you will never buy their product again.
You can also get free usable email addresses from sites like MyRealBox. Use those for everyday use and save your ISP address for your most trusted and important contacts. MyRealBox and others like them have mail servers that you can access from your regular email program. has lists and reviews of Free and For Free email providers as well as Free ISPs. There's also an article reviewing some free email services at
There lots of information about Mail and News at, including a section listing IMAP service providers
and detailing the options they have for spam filtering. Added 06/20/03
Read the Privacy policy of anyone you sign up with. You shouldn't have to Opt-out of any lists or "sharing". That should be the default.
Many ISPs offer more than one email address per account. Don't use the primary account at all and set up secondary accounts for everyday use. If worse comes to worst, you can cancel that email address and create a new one.
When picking an email address, pick one that won't be subject to dictionary attacks. is much more likely to get spam than
If you get your own domain, you will get different email options depending on who hosts it for you. At a minimum you can probably get several (if not unlimited) email addresses related to your domain. Use them and change them as needed. Sometimes they will be forwarded to another address, sometimes you can use the email servers of your domain host. You can register and have a domain hosted for the price of a couple of fast food meals. Prices for domain registrations and hosting vary wildly, so check around. I have some domains registered for $6.95 [US]/year. Sometimes domain registrations are included free with hosting packages. See what people you know recommend.
Never, ever post a real email address to Usenet. See the link for the Email Address Munging FAQ or my own shorter (and more recent) version. As a test I created an address just for a newsgroup. That address has never been used anywhere else, and only used once before I got spammed. It took less than a week for the first spam to show up. It ended up getting so much spam I closed it. Proper munging can minimize the exposure.
Think at least twice about providing an email address to web page or a joke mailing list or anything similar. At a minimum read their Privacy Policy carefully. If you have to do it, this is a good place to take advantage of the services of sites like Sneakemail and Do your friends a favor and don't give their address out either, no matter how funny the joke is. And if you've got to forward a joke to all your friends, please clean all the extra email addresses out of it first. I've have gotten some with over 200 addresses in them, and all it takes is for one recipient to be infected with a virus and all those addresses are harvested.
If you have a web page, munge your email address on it, or the spam bots will almost certainly harvest it. If you do it right, the bots won't be able to read it, but when someone clicks on it they'll still be able to use it. The first 6 links below will help you do it. Keep in mind that if you use a Javascript method, people who aren't using Javascript won't be able to see it. And some methods aren't clickable, images for instance, which can be an inconvienience for the person trying to contact you. So if you want people to contact you from your web page, you need to make it easy while protecting your address.
- Sam Schinke of the GRC newsgroups has written a small HTML file that will convert your email address for your web page to several other formats to hide it from spam bots. You can get it from my site as a file you can download or from Sam himself. You can use Sam's page as is, or save the page to your computer and use it there. Added 09/27/02
- A page with links to lots of ways of protecting an email address on a web page from spambots. Added 03/26/06
- Another free program that will obscure your email address to put on your web page is Obscure.exe. The link is to the web page, not the exe file. Added 04/19/02
- And another program that will do the same thing is ECloaker Added 08/19/02
- Of course, you could always do it the hard way using the ASCII conversion charts from JSPayne or Gerald Brindle. Added 04/19/02
- For a couple of [now outdated] articles about why spam is a problem see, and Why spam is bad Added 12/29/02
- A list of things to Thank Spammers for was posted to a news group and is archived on Google and also posted on several web sites including LinxNet and Added 03/30/03
- CERT has page about the effects that email spoofing can have. Added 11/18/04
- An article about spam filtering. Added 11/10/02
- Finally, if all else has failed, and you're getting inundated with spam, use a spam filter. I prefer filtering my own spam locally in case of errors. No spam filter is 100% effective, and there will be mistakes. If you have the emails locally it's a simple matter to double check occasionally, and correct any mistakes you find. With a local spam filter you just point your POP3 mail program at it instead of the mail server, and it collects the mail, then tags suspected spam, which you can then have your mail program use to sort it into a holding location to check occasionally. Training is simple, and more email makes it easier. POPFile. is free and open source. Added 11/30/02, updated 12/29/2002 K9 from Robin Keir is a small stand alone Windows program. It's been very effective for me for a couple of years now. Added 03/30/03
Spam Tracking and Reporting
- Everything you didn't want to have to know about spam is at Added 10/29/03
- Stephen Whitis has some interesting information about his trouble with spam, and some good links and tips on how to deal with it. Added 09/03/05
- A good FAQ on Usenet Abuse (including spam) and what you can do about it. Added 08/03/02
- Another FAQ from Spamhunter's Resource. Added 11/18/02
- SpamLaws list all anti-spam laws (known to the author) for various countries and also includes links to a number of anti-Spam sites. Added 02/16/02
- For people with serious spam problems (and access to a Unix shell account with Procmail installed) take a look at SpamBouncer. Added 03/02/02
- will do the tracking and reporting for you. Registration is free.
- The spam FAQ has information on how to decrypt headers, look up sources, and report spammers. Lots of links. Added 3/00
- There's a list of known spammers and their history at ROKSO. Added 07/05
- Sam Spade is an excellent program that runs on your computer and simplifies the process of looking up domain information. The site is down to barebones as of 2008, but if you can find the software, it's a great tool. And rumor has it that the site will be coming back. Added 8/99
- Look First also has information on how to fight spam.
- There's a list of participating Web Sites, a Policy description, and General Privacy Information at Truste. Be advised that being a member of Truste only means that a site HAS a privacy policy, not that it's any good. Added 3/99
- Another page on how to read Email Headers to track down Spammers. Added 02/27/01
- Internet Fraud Watch Added 2/99
- Tips on spam fighting, and anti-spam links. (was: How To Complain To The Spammer's Provider)Added 2/99
- Abuse Net is NOT a spam reporting service or feedback loop. But if you can identify the origin of an unwanted message, can help you get your complaint to the right place.
- Junk Busters with tips on not only spam control but telemarketers and junk snail mail. Plus some stuff on Web Tracking and how to control it.
- Web Poison is actually a spam fighting tool. To use it properly, you need to be able to run CGI scripts on your web server, which many people can't. You can also provide hidden links to someone else's WPoison page so that the SPAMMER's address harvesting web crawlers will go there and hopefully get caught in an endless loop, collecting gobs of useless addresses. I haven't tried it, but it's an interesting concept. Plus there's some interesting links and information on the site. Added 10/00
- A spam Glossary Added 8/00
- Smart WhoIS Added 8/00
- Network Tools lets you do Online Traces, lookups, etc. Added 8/00
- Web Interface to WhoIS at Network Solutions.
- Web interface for European WhoIS at RIPE.
- The WhoIS for the Asia Pacific Network Information Center.
- Coalition Against Unsolicited Commercial Email.
- The following was lifted verbatim from Ask MSN, but will probably move, so here it is. Added 3/00
- Learn the truth about urban legends. Truth is stranger than fiction, but urban legends are an in-box nuisance. Read the real deal about kidney transfers and false FCC charges for Internet use at
- Research current scams on Scamwatch,
and ScamPatrol. Updated 03/02/02. I removed the link to ScamPatrol since it appears to have become an advertising site, and the link to scamwatch on 07/05/2005 since that's now a Network Solutions holding page.
- Suckered by a scam? Don't suffer in silence!
Report the offender to the Federal Trade Commission [link updated 12/17/08] or the Better Business Bureau
- Interleaves has a page that debunks pyramid schemes and also lists some places to report them. Added 06/06/02
Privacy Issues on the Internet
- has descriptions and information about spyware and instructions about how to remove many of them. Added 01/04/03
- A very thorough tool for searching out and removing spyware is Spybot S&D. Free. Added 11/28/02 Update 06/24/03
- has news and tips about Privacy on the web. Also a lot of good links in the download section. Added 12/29/02 I've removed the link but left the note as an example of what can happen. That site is no longer what it used to be. It now looks like a good place to get infected. Don't go there if you don't know what you're doing. Updated 12/117/08
- A page with an attitude about Privacy. Lots of good information and links are at Counterexploitation.
Added 11/00
- Lots of information about PGP at Tom McCune's page Added 04/15/01
- Cookie Central hosts the Cookie FAQ. Added 06/00
- There is good information on Cyberstalking and how to protect yourself at CyberAngels Added 10/00.
- Click on the link for Privacy Tools at the List of Lists Added 05/21/01
- Proxomitron will remove all kinds of stuff from web pages (scripts, banners, 3rd party images and much more), plus lets you control what information is given out about you and your surfing habits. Unfortunately, the Prox site has been pulled down. Information and the program are still available at alternate sites, including
Added 09/06/01, updated 06/20/03 Small Fish's has a set up page that's somewhat out of date, but still has good information. Added 09/06/01
- An old page from Richard Smith about cookies in HTML Email. Added 02/00. Updated 01/15/02
- Richard Smith's main page again. Added 01/15/02
- CDT has information on Privacy concerns. Added 03/05/00
- There's a (sort of) tutorial on how to dig up information (he calls it "Stalking") on people at Fravia's Searchlores site. Added 05/21/01
- You can use Browser Spy to see what information is being passed out over the Internet by your browser. Added 06/18/00
- There is information about how your privacy is compromised, how to protect it, and a test to see what information your browser is passing out about you at Privacy.Net Update: the actual links were removed because appears to have gone to a money making format, the previous links don't work any more. Now they're all about Pay for Placement search results. Added 08/08/00 Updated 12/08/04
- There is information about Privacy on the Net, legal uses and restrictions on Social Security Numbers, and more at the Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility web pages. Added 02/04/01
- Small Fish has put together some big pages of information on the various Information Collectors, plus links to related, usually free programs and more information. Added 07/15/00
- A tutorial on how to create (and therefore decipher) Obscure URLs Added 09/02/00
- And once you know how to do it, do it the easy way using URLCalc Added 10/07/00
- A page at the FTC that has lots of information about Identity Theft Added 01/01/01 Updated 12/17/08
- All Net Tools has a link that will anonymously fetch a web page for you. Also anonymous remailers. Added 05/01/01.
- It's not just on the Internet that you need to be concerned about Privacy. It seems everyone wants to know as much they can about you. Including your grocery store. Check out some information on Grocery Store Discount cards and why you may not want to use them at CASPIAN.
- Even Microsoft has put up a page with some Privacy and Security information. Added 08/10/02
Urban Legends
- The San Fernando Valley Folklore Society's Urban Legend Reference Page at Snopes are an excellent, searchable reference. You can look up that warning that your Aunt Mabel just sent you, or just read the pages for some interesting stuff. Added 11/14/00
- Lots of Information (and links to more sites) at Computer Virus Myths Added 11/98
- The Mining Co has lists of known virus hoaxes. Added 10/29/98 (Redirects to now)
- Not so much Internet scams, although there are some listed on the page, as Financial Scams. Lots of them and advice at Quatloos. Added 10/31/00
- ScamBusters Added 10/31/00
- The Straight Dope Claims to have exactly that. Some of it on _very_ important things like: Is it possible to be addicted to Chap Stick? Why does an atom bomb form a mushroom cloud? Is it possible to diet with beer? Added 04/21/02
- The Royal Canadian Mounted Police have a page on Frauds, Scams and Alerts. Added 09/10/02
- A Scamwatch page from the Australian government. Added 09/10/02
- You can check on the validity of the things you get in email at Added 11/20/02
Keep in mind that I am not responsible for any external sites linked to from my pages. They may look different to you, or even have effects on your browser or computer that are different than what I see due to different security settings and browsers. They could have also changed since I looked at them. To the best of my knowledge, they are all safe. But you surf at your own risk.
This document reflects the opinions of the author. This document is provided "as is" without any express or implied warranties. While every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this article, the author/maintainer and/or contributors assume(s) no responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
Privacy Policy:
The only information that I collect is page hit counts. My web host keeps track of lots of things and makes the information available to me in pretty graphs and logs. I look at them occasionally, but there is no personally identifiable information there.
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This page was last updated Nov 26, 2009.
Copyright 2006-2009 by Kevin